Home Book Review: Love Me Do by Lindsey Kelk

Book Review: Love Me Do by Lindsey Kelk

by Bookworm Liz
Book cover of Love Me Do with descriptive review blurbs

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

The Plot Thickens…

Phoebe Chapman has just landed in Los Angeles. Flown in from the UK, she traveled to the City of Angels with the expectations that she and her sister – who’d moved to LA years prior – would be spending their time together.

When Phoebe arrives, her sister immediately has to jet for a last-minute work trip, leaving Phoebe all alone, free to explore this new city herself.

A chance encounter with her sister’s personal trainer leads to a fast friendship as Phoebe settles into her vacation, while Phoebe also sparks a friendship with her neighbor Ren & another neighbor who’s a classic Hollywood film star.

After a well-meaning attempt to set up her new BFF, Bel, with her hot neighbor, Ren, Phoebe gets entangled in a comical web of lies, all the while wondering if there might be something more than friendship between her and Ren.

My Thoughts

Love Me Do had great potential to be a fun romcom set in the sunny city of Los Angeles. Sadly, I felt disappointed because the book really leaned into LA stereotypes that felt too much like caricatures.  This detracted from my overall enjoyment of the story and characters.

I guess as a resident of LA, I was looking forward to a more nuanced portrayal of the city and its people. While yes, these stereotypes exist for a reason, it felt way too stereotypical. Maybe those who aren’t from this city will be able to enjoy it more at face value, but it just wasn’t for me.

There were certainly moments of charm and humor. Namely:

  • The hilarious scenes between Phoebe and her new friend, Bel (the mermaid scene was SO over the top, in the best way)
  • The unlikely friendship between Phoebe and Myrna, an retired Hollywood star

However, I ultimately felt disconnected from the characters and the plot. Despite the promising premise, it simply fell short of delivering a truly enjoyable Los Angeles romcom.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher, for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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